Oconomowoc Plumber takes a bow!
Written by Mike Johnson in Editorial

As a plumber I’ve been surrounded by some of the top architects and designers in the country. I will take a bow to this home owner though. When the subject of a Kohler Farm sink model K-12700 came up I assumed it would be business as usual, just put it in like I’ve always done it. The home owner had a different idea…….
The couple that owns the home in Oconomowoc are simply great people and I’m fortunate to have known them. This same couple decided to do things their own way when it came to design. I have to admit, deep down inside I had my doubts when they wanted to mount the lip of the sink on a wood counter top. I was wrong.
Clearly, the photo illustrates just how nice the sink turned out, photos don’t do it justice, in person it is nothing short of spectacular! In a normal installation a farm sink sits on a special cabinet exposing the entire porcelain sink. It’s blind in the photo, you can’t see it, the home owners design was as simple as very carefully cutting the tropical hardwood counter top exactly to the lip of the sink and hiding the rest out of sight.
Below is a photo of the Kohler K-12700 farm sink
Below is the edge of the sink with the counter exactly cut to fit
So I take a bow to the home owner for showing me what happens when thinking outside the box! Thank you, lesson learned!
I really like that farm sink Mike, looks nice. Love that old character.
Mike Johnson
Thanks Lori, it really turned out great. Thanks for visiting the website!