Church-Easy Clean-toilet seat review
Written by Mike Johnson in Bathroom, Design, Reviews

Cleaning around a toilet seat can be real hassle. A company called Church manufactures a high quality toilet seat that makes cleaning a snap. The following review shows the installation process and explains how easy the toilet seat comes on and off for cleaning. This particular seat is Oconomowoc Plumbings number one best selling seat.
Dirty toilet seat
Lets face it, cleaning around a toilet seat is not easy and it’s a job that most people have a hard time looking forward to. Below is a zoomed in photo of the scum that surrounds the mounting bolts of a typical toilet seat.The solution to cleaning the hard to get places is to have a seat that’s easily removable so the homeowner can clean every nook and cranny.
Installation of a Church brand toilet seat starts with the mounting bolts
This photo shows the nuts and bolts to connect the toilet seat to the bowl, it’s really this simple. For many years the toilet bolts have been made from brass but most companies these days are using nylon. Nylon is a big improvement because it doesn’t corrode in the event you need to remove them. Nylon is also a material that doesn’t harbor bacteria like brass does.
Installing the bolts to the toilet bowl
A Phillips screwdriver fits right in the slot of the bolt. With your other hand hold the nut under the bowl and snug it up. Don’t over tighten the bolt because the seat has to be trial fit first to be sure the centers match the seat.
Check seat alignment
Once both toilet bolts are snug the seat needs to be checked for proper alignment. What makes the Church seat so nice is the ability for it to quickly snap apart for removal. This photo shows how the seat connectors unlock in a counter clockwise rotation. In this mode the seat will simply pop on and off. To re-connect simply snap the seat on the bolt heads and rotate the lock clockwise….and bingo, you’re done! It’s that simple. For the installation, trial fit the seat and take it back off, then tighten the bolts up.
Inside look
The next photo is what the hinge mechanism looks like from the inside. As you can see it’s a very sturdy and nice looking toilet seat. The smooth finish you see on the seat and lid is not plastic. The toilet seat is actually what’s called molded wood and it has a tough epoxy finish that’s abrasion resistant, and bacteria resistant.
Top view of installed toilet seat